Benefits of sitting on the floor - The Indian Style.
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  • Writer's picturefreshlimewellness

Benefits of sitting on the floor - The Indian Style.

Updated: Jun 1, 2022

Tables and chairs have truly westernized our lifestyle. We have always seen our grandparents sitting cross-legged to eat. When we sit down to eat cross-legged (Sukhasana) it is good for our health.

Know why sitting on the floor and eating is healthy. 1. Signals Brain Sitting on the floor instantly brings a sense of calm and automatically triggers the signals to your brain to prepare the stomach for digestion.

2. Aids Digestion

Eating a meal on the floor, naturally, allow you to move forward from your hips instead of your chest and sit back up to starting position to swallow. This constant back and forth movement cause the muscle of your abdomen to be active, increases the secretion of stomach acids, and makes it easier to digest food.

3. You can lose weight Sitting on the floor automatically calms your brain and is better equipped to focus on the food you eat, helps you finish and leaves a sense of satisfaction.

4. Improves Posture Slumping on the couches and chairs, and hunching on the desk are the primary reason for a bad posture. When you sit on the floor your awareness of posture improves within a few days, making your back straight and strengthening your spine.

5. Improves Circulation

Floor sitting helps circulation as the blood flows naturally through the heart to the digestive organ. On the other hand, if you sit on a chair to eat the pattern of blood flow is opposite to the legs making the digestive system function less efficiently.

6. You are automatically doing Yoga.

7. Sitting on the ground helps you to be humble and grounded How many of you know the tradition?

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